Suffolk launches courses for National Guard at Gabreski

Suffolk County Community College began offering two courses this semester at Francis S. Gabreski Air National Guard Base base in Westhampton, deepening the college’s ties with veterans.

The courses, which include Psychology 101 and English 101, enable National Guard members to gain credits towards an associate degree from the Community College of the Air Force, officials said. The CCAF degree is mandatory for higher-level promotions.

“In the Air Force, we expect our members to strive for excellence. One of the ways we can do this is through continuing our education,” Michael T. Hewson, 106th Rescue Wing Command Chief, said in a press release.

College spokesman Drew Biondo said in a statement that “Suffolk’s campus has the highest population of veterans on campus in the entire State of New York.”

SCCC President Shaun L. McKay announced the program in fall at a Veterans Plaza dedication ceremony at the college’s Eastern Campus honoring Suffolk County Community College student and Air National Guard Tech. Sgt. Louis Bonacasa, 31, who was killed in action in 2015 while serving in Afghanistan.

“Suffolk County Community College is committed to assisting our military by helping them achieve their educational and personal goals,” McKay said in a release. “ In the process, we know we are fulfilling our community mission as well as helping to produce a new generation of lifelong learners equipped with the skills they can utilize both during their careers and long after.”

For Suffolk this is a huge step towards continuing their veterans program.  The college has a leading effort in continuing this program further into the future to ensure that veterans on campus can further their education so that they can have a successful careers. The college and those who wish to join these classes offered at the base will interact with hands on experience as well as being taught and shown from those who are currently serving in our 106th Rescue Wing.

The Ammerman campus is always looking to lend a helping hand towards our veterans on campus. The skills they can acquire through this program at the base can be used for future personal goals along with the degree that they can obtain by completing the program as well.


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